Michael Jackson Died

26 06 2009

can legends die? inspiration for generations gone. i dont even know what to say

We Have Organs We Never Think to Use- Inmates

23 06 2009

Interesting Idea. Never thought about it before. I think its a good idea as long as the inmate chooses to give the organs. In the future that might be an issue. But its a good point.

Perez Hilton Got Knocked the F*** Out for Calling Will.I. Am a Faggot

23 06 2009

AlphaCat tells us what really happened,

Wait, wait Perez called him a Faggot as an insult. Thats so direspectful in a time where we are trying to help out LGBT brothers and sisters fight prop 8 and everything. You use one of the worst words “faggot” as an insult to hurt someone.

Perez Hilton supports gay marriage and calling people faggot?

Perez Hilton supports gay marriage and calling people faggot?

I thought you supported gay people.
Im going to look into this and report back with more info.

Black Kids

18 06 2009

This Blog shoudl be called hella late or Extra Tarde, becuase im so slow on this really cool band called Black Kids ( only 2 of the 5 members are black). But they are hella fun, cute songs, and the lead singer is hot. I did some research, well if you count wikipedia and a couple interviews. But forget that. Its about the music. And this song is so great, I could dance to sing along and the music videos are orginial. I love original music videos, its very important to me.

Here is there Hit Single ” Not Going to Teach your Boyfriend (how to dance with you)”

I first heard about them on the sidebar of a website, and saw this music video:

I love most types of music so I enjoyed it, I really liked parts of the lyrics. Especially the lines  ” Sure, I know it’s apocalypse
But can’t it wait til I kiss your lips?

For some reasons those lines really got to me. I  dont know why music videos are so important to me when judging an artist. Even when I know often the musician may not have much impact on it. I just like creativity.

Dax Norman- Artist Alert

18 06 2009

One of my friends posted a link to this artist on Youtube, and I loved this one.

Dax Norman is a wonderful artist and animator, with a unique eye to see multiple images in one shape. I dont know much about him but this is his website: www.daxnorman.com

take a look you wont be disappointed its very interesting

What you think?

Mute Giraffes? Question for Life

25 05 2009

So I am on Skype with my best friend and one way or another I asked, ” What sound does a giraffe make?” She was like I dont know ill look it up on youtube.
we found these:
but they did not answer our question.
So my question of the Moments/ Day/ Week Month is ” What Sound Does A Giraffe Make?”

Tell Me and Ill put anything you want on my blog. yes this is a contest.

Dear Celebrities

20 05 2009

Please stop send naked pictures, I mean sexting. I know i know its the thing to do, i mean all the teenagers are out sending naked pictures and all. But you KNOW they are going to be leaked. It happens to ALL of you, ALL the time. I go on my trip to LA, come back to the Internet and all this talk about Rhianna’s boobs, and Cassie’s boobs, and ugh. I mean everyone has seen boobs. Any person can get on a computer and goggle naked whatever they prefer. But just stop.
And Media come on now, they are just breast everyone has seen, taken or has a picture of someones breast. Lets not blow it out of proportion. We have such BIGGER things to deal with right now besides if some singer has a nipple piercing.
So to Celebrities: be a little responsible. and Media: STFU

Your Opinion: Polls

8 05 2009

So here are some quick polls so you can tell me about what you think

The New Spark Notes

8 05 2009

I adore Spark Notes and Cliff Notes. They have helped me time and time again. I dont rely upon them, but with my attendance record they are necessary to maintain my GPA. Both sites have character list, important fact, plot outline, quizzes and more. I usually use both online, if I cant find a way to read the book. And our teachers are aware of this, so its not like I’m cheating, not really.

But in my Honors English class we are reading non-classical books. These include 100 Years of Solitude, Woman at Point Zero, Tropic of Orange, The God of Small Things and several other fantastic random books.
You can find Cliff Notes in your local library, SparkNotes has dam near every book you will read, but you should add GradeSaver to your list of shortcuts. GradeSaver will have every book Sparknotes doesn’t. I ran into this site when looking for a more detailed summary

this book is on gradesaver

this book is on gradesaver

of 100 Years of Solitude. It was wonderful, I was able to engage in discussion the class and write an essay.
Now I need to read God of Small things, and Grade Saver is the only website that covers it. I read the book along side it for the first chapter and is was very accurate.  They have some quizzes, parts of the site want you to pay but you can read all the summaries and analysis completely free. Check it out!

Swine Flu And You!

5 05 2009
Friends For Life by JusJust

Friends For Life by JusJust

everyone is talking about swine flu, i dont really have anything new to say. It feels like every year or so there is some kind of flu, swine flu this year. Sars, then duck/bird flu the list goes on. My Econ teacher just calls it the plague. lol

what do you think about it?

Heres my favorite video about it: ( ok im at school and i cant get on current.com right now so just got o Current Tv, search supernews swine flu , when i get home ill post)

Are You Infected? by JusJust

Are You Infected? by JusJust