Stupid Facebook Quizzes Waste My Life

24 04 2009

I know they are stupid, yet at times when there is so much work to be done I find myself up, doing dumb ass Facebook quizzes. So Facebook has enough applications as it is, and I simply click ignore all when my friends decide they want to waste my life and invite me. BTW if your my friend on Facebook book stop inviting me to stupid applications. I don’t wanna be a zombie, or buy you, or play pet society ANY MORE.

Now that I have the applications out of the way, the quizzes seem to be coming up so much. And i hate myself every time I click, “What kinda girl are you?”  or “Which Watchmen are you” or “What drink/pet/boy/shoe/flavor/sunset/superhero/six sense/ mystical creature are you”. These are just pointless quizzes that inaccurately tell us dumb shit about “ourselves” based on the dumbest of questions. But we keep doing them for some reason. Like we don’t know who we are, or what our personality we have.

Facebook BS

I wish I could just delete all of the stupid request and invites. Like it should be an option, I can turn off or on. Or maybe be less distracted and do my late late homework. I’m sorry I don’t have a solution to this common problem, especially since I am currently suffering from this.  Do You?

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